Dear Fuzzy breeders,

we have been asked if it was possible to buy the toys for the FuzzyBuzzies also for lindens and izzies, rather than collecting Poynts. Of course that could spoil a lot of fun to collect Poynts over a long time to be able to get new toys from happiness.

We are not the one to decide, how to play and how long to wait before your Fuzzies are allowed to play with all the cool stuff. So we re going to offer you all toys for lindens or izzies too.

The vendors will be available in the Fuzzy Toy Store and will be released in the next days:

  • 20.7.2015: The "Furniture" Toy vendor offers chairs, beds, loungers, etc.
  • 23.7.2015: The "Outdoor" Toy vendor offers the outdoor stuff, like the sunchair and swing
  • 27.7.2015: The "Playing" Toy vendor with the really cool stuff: Dance Floor, Race game and some musical instrument

More Toys are in preparation.

Happy Playing,
Jenni Eales
Alfredo Zapatero
and your plyful oYo Staff Team members