Its Raining Cats & Dogs literally today as we shift our attentions to the smaller cats with the less pointy teeth and their best friends, or it that mans best friend the dogs!

We started with a Best In Breed for the Cats and one for the Dogs another nice turn out showing us some hidden gems in peoples breederig stashes.

The results were as follows:


1. Pebea Destiny

2. Mystic Serenia

3. Aurora Grayson


1. Tempest Myst

2. Trynatie Mason

3. Aurora Grayson

Then we opened the doors for the Dog obedience class, giving those good boys a chance to make a good impression. They took to the course to complete it with no faults as quickly as possibe following their owners lead, through tunnels, round the weaving poles over the bridge and to the finish. Fantastic fun for everyone.



We also have a photo contest ongoing for you where we want to see your caps napping in all those random places. Take a snap and enter now.