Well Done Everyone!
A huge thankyou to all those who have donated and who attended the auction today.
We raised over 70k for T4T in just auction sales, thats not to mention the bidboards and raffles weve had this past week, and you can still get those fuzzy toys with all proceeds going to T4T.
You guys continue to show IW what a fantastic community we have here at oYo, Thankyou all.
The oYo Team
oYo T4T Auction!
Dear Breeders,
Please join us at 11am iwt on sunday for our oYo Toys for Tots auction over at the T4T sim.
We have 20 stalls full of all breedables plus with each stall bought there is a gift for the winning bidder designed with the stalls in mind when the gifts were chosen.
Please come out and show your support for both oYo andT4T,
http://places.inworldz.com/InWorldz Events%20Scenic 41/108/94/22
Je suis Paris
Dear friends of the FuzzyBuzzy,
we are shocked about what happened in Paris and like to share a sign of solidarity with the families and friend that mourn the loss of a beloved person. I personally love the hash tags like #jesuisparis as these indicate that the whole modern world, all human culture that is working hard on a liberal and tolerant attitude has become a victim of terrorism.
oYo wants to express that with a special Fuzzy edition, which is in the shops now for a limited time period. Sales are added to the donation of a French organisation that supports the victims of the outrage.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2016
Dear oYo Breeders, friends and family,
we are looking back to an eventful year for oYo Breedables and the whole breeder community. We started the year by extending the business from horses, cats and dodos to some more pets, starting with the dogs at the beginning of the year. A large set of races followed and the dogs became a really popular breed and a furry friend for many breeders.
Pigs followed, planned to extend the product portfolio to farming. Yes I know - we didn't bring too many new coats for these...
The Fuzzy Buzzies are a bit different. Not limited to "real" looking pets we had a lot of ideas for these furry creatures. Making them play was a bit of challenge for Jenni and with the help of Laika/Lorena who made a lot of mesh things and stuff we could make a lot of toys to make these litte pets happy.
Breeders Bash for our French cousins!
Its time to join us at oyo for another wonderful breeders bash. Pull out your red white and blue and show your support for your french cousins with us.
oYo TFT Raffles
Come on over and take a stroll round oYo's T4T's winter wonderland.
We will be holding a special T4T auction here next weekend (any donations welcome), but we also have raffle boards running right now. All 100 izzies per entry and we have ALL of the packs of starters up for grabs for the next 2 days. So buy yourself a ticket or more and win an awesome pack while showing your support.
You will also see a couple of the new wildz roaming the sim. http://places.inworldz.com/InWorldz%20Events%20Scenic%2041/115/104/22
oYo Announcement!
Dear oYo Breeders,
As some of you may be aware there have been issues with copy bots and 'hacked' viewers with inworldz that in turn has had an impact on oYo. We have looked at various ways to combat this issue making oYo more secure so everyones hard work in both making and breeding these awesome animals is protected as much as possible.
So our first step is we are changing ALL the FOOD items (including fevor etc) to make them more secure and updated to prevent any further issues.
We understand this will be a huge undertaking for you all and as a result we have the following plan to try and eliminate as many issues as we can.
Toy of the Month December
Dear friends of the Fuzzy Buzzy,
I am happy to present you today a new "Toy of the Month" offer, which comes in several parts this time:
First the Fuzzy Christmas Set, consisting of a decorated Christmas tree, wrapped gifts and 4 pillows for your fuzzies to sit around the tree and a sledge with another sit position.
Toy of the Month November
Hello Fuzzy breeders,
the new "Toy of the Month" is out. It is a set of Wicker Loungers, containing a 2 sitter and a 3 sitter.
Jenni Eales
Alfredo Zapatero
and you happy oYo Staff team members
oYo on piracy
Dear Breeders,
In the last weeks we started a large activity to update the scripts of all our pets, replace all food, salt, sweets etc. in the grid and provide updaters that allow you to bring your animals to the new version.
All this effort is made to protect ourselves and you from product piracy. Security leaks and copybot viewers allowed people in the past to manipulate data or make copies of "no copy" items.
We are aware, that our provisions will not be able to make the system 100% safe. There will always be people that will try to steal things the don't want to buy. In virtual worlds this is not only stealing from the content providers, that spend a lot of effort and time to make our worlds what they have become. It is also theft that impacts the whole community of breeders and residents as the things the have spent a lot real money will loose their value. And like it happened in SL that builders give up their business in frustration because they have been deprived of their earned revenue.
Special Sale: The breedable Boxer
Dear dog breeders,
I would like to introduce you with another dog race we have made: the Boxer. The new dog trait is now available for sale in our dog main shop. The package comes with a male and a female starter, food and dog.
New coats are "Black Boxer", "Brown Boxer" and "White Boxer" (rare). And we have a new eye named "Woof".
Jenni Eales
Alfredo Zapatero
and your lucky oYo Staff Team members
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